Monte Carlo Integration

Aaron Koga
Physics 305
  20 Feb 2007

1. Introduction

    Even if an analytic integral exists, integration in high-dimensional systems can be difficult.  One method for easily calculating integrals, even in a large number of dimensions, is Monte Carlo Integration.  This method uses uniform randomly generated numbers to determine an integral.  For example, suppose we want to find the area of a circle.  We can then define another area, a box, that completely encloses the circle.  We then pick points within the box that are uniformly and randomly distributed.  After picking some points, we can find the ratio of the area of the circle to the area of the box by
where Ncircle is the number of points that fell within the circle and Ntotal is the number of points picked.  From this ratio the area of the circle can be found by
This analysis can easily be extended to higher dimensions with computers. 

    Because this is a statistical method, the error in the calculated integral should decrease by n-1/2 [1].

2. Volume of a Sphere

A. C Program to Find the Volume of a Sphere

    A C Program (pond2.c [2]) was modified and used to calculate the volume of a sphere by Monte Carlo integration.  The program, pond3.c is shown in the Appendix.  pond3.c uses the function drand48() to generate random coordinates within a 3D cube to find the volume of an inscribed sphere.  In the program, the radius of the sphere is 1 and the length of a side of the cube is 2.  The number generated by drand48(), which is in the range (0,1), is centered about zero and allowed to be in the range (-1,1) by the formula:
One of these random numbers is generated for each coordinate and the distance from the origin is used to determine if the point in 3D space falls within the sphere.  The volume is then found by the method mentioned above and the data for the calculated volume and the error in it are printed to a file.

B. Results for the Volume of a Sphere

    selected points
FIG1:  Plot of the points selected in 3D space, where the points falling within the sphere are plotted in green and the points falling outside of the sphere are plotted in red.
sphere volume vs points selected
FIG2: Plot of the Fractional Error in calculating the volume of a sphere versus the number of points selected (Number of Trials).
    The program pond3.c was used to find the volume of a sphere.  The points selected in 3D space are shown in FIG1.  The fractional error is shown in FIG2 as a function of the number of points selected.  Although there are fluctuations, the error generally decreases as the number of selected points increases.

3. Volume of a Hypersphere

A. C Program to Find the Volume of a Hypersphere

    A C program (hypersphereMC.c [2]) was completed and used to find the volume of a hypersphere of up to 10 dimensions by Monte Carlo integration.  hypersphereMC.c is shown in the Appendix.  This program uses the same mechanism as pond3.c to select points in an N-D space.  Also like pond3.c, each hypersphere has a radius of 1 and each hypercube has sides of length 2.  However, the hypersphereMC.c selects points for dimensions up to 10, printing the volume and fractional error to a file for all dimensions from 1 to 10.  The program also accepts as a command line input the number of dimensions and the number of points taken in that dimensions.  These numbers, specified by the user, are printed to the screen for easy viewing. 

B. Results for the Volume of a Hypersphere

    The program hypersphereMC.c was first used to find the area of a 2D circle and the volume of a 3D sphere.  The fractional error is shown in FIG3 and FIG4 as a function of the number of points selected for both the 2D and 3D cases.  As can be seen from the graphs, the error in calculating the area/volume of a circle/sphere generally decrease as the number of selected points used in the calculation increase.
hypersphereMC.c in 2D
FIG3:  Plot of the fractional error vs number of selected points when using the program hypersphereMC.c to find the area of a circle (2D).
hypersphereMC.c in 3D
FIG4:  Plot of the fractional error vs number of selected points when using the program hypersphereMC.c to find the volume of a 3D sphere.
    Volume of hyperspheres in higher dimensions were then examined using hypersphereMC.c.  FIG5 shows a plot of the estimated volume of a hypersphere as a function of its number of dimensions.  These numbers were generated using 50k points to calculate the volume of each hypersphere.  FIG6 shows a plot of the fractional error in the estimated volume as a function of the number of dimensions.  These calculations were made using 50k points to calculate the volume of each hypersphere.  The graph shows that the error generally increases as the number of dimensions increase. 
hypersphere volume
FIG5: Plot of the estimated volume of a hypersphere vs the number of dimensions using 50k points per dimension.
hypersphere err
FIG6:  Plot of the fractional error in the calculation of the volume of a hypersphere vs number of dimensions using 50k selected points.
    FIG7 shows a plot of the fractional error (in the calculation of the volume of a hypersphere) as a function of the number of dimensions and number of points selected to calculate the volume of the hypersphere.  The general trend is that as the number of selected points increases in a given dimension, the error decreases.
hypersphere all
FIG7:  Plot of the fractional error as a function of the number of dimensions and number of points selected.

3.  Conclusions

    According to Landau and Paez, the fractional error due to Monte Carlo integration should decrease as n-1/2 [1].  From FIG2-4, it seems that the error generally decreases with the number of selected points.  This general trend can also be seen for a given dimension in FIG7.  However, because of the fluctuations it is hard to determine if it decreases as n-1/2.  Because the points are randomly generated, it is not too surprising that there are fluctuations in the error. 

    For a fixed number of points (50k in this lab), FIG6 shows that the error increases with the number of dimensions.  This is expected because as the number of dimensions increases, the number of points is distributed over a larger number of dimensions.

    When examining the volume of a hypersphere as a function of the number of dimensions (FIG5), it looks like the volume increases until 5 dimensions, where it starts to decrease.  This might seem surprising, but can be expected for this case, where the radius of all hyperspheres was 1.  The analytic volume of a hypersphere in N-dimensions goes as RN, where R is the radius [3].  However, because the radius here was always 1, this dependency did not play a role in the estimated volumes for this lab.  Thus, the plot shown in FIG5 is actually an estimation of the coefficients used in the calculation of the N-D hyperspheres (that is C in the expression: Volume=C*RN, where C is a constant).


4.  References

[1] R. H. Landau & M. J. Paez, Computational Physics, Problem Solving with Computers,  (Wiley: New York) 1997.

[2] P. W. Gorham,

[3] K. Enevoldsen,
