Random Walks

Aaron Koga
Physics 305
  13 Feb 2007

1. Introduction

    Random sequences are sequences in which there is no correlation among its members.  Because computers are deterministic, they cannot generate truly random sequences of numbers.  However, computers are often used to simulate naturally occurring random events in processes such as Monte Carlo simulations [1].  Computers can produce seemingly random sequences of numbers using different techniques.  To produce these pseudo random numbers, computers have built in functions such as drand48(), which generates a uniform distribution of numbers in the range [0,1) using a seeded number.  This lab examines computer generated random numbers by using the computer to generate random paths in 2 and 3 dimensions.

2. Walking a Random Path

A. C Program

    C Programs were written to use computer generated random numbers to walk 2D and 3D paths.  Because the two programs are very similar, only the program for the 3D case is shown in the Appendix and only the 3D program will be explained here in the text (links to the 3D and 2D programs).  The program takes a command line input to determine the number of paths to walk and number of steps to take in each path.  Individual steps in each path are taken by calling the function drand48() to determine the x, y, and z coordinates of each step.  The movement in each direction (x, y, and z) are in the range [-sqrt(2),sqrt(2)).  Because drand48() returns values in the range [0,1), 0.5 is subtracted from the randomly generated number (to get it into the range [-0.5, 0.5)) and then the number is multiplied by sqrt(8).  In other words,
where R is the number generated by drand48().  The program also outputs files for several individual paths as well as the average distance walked as a function of the number of steps taken. 

B. 2D Path

a random path
FIG1:  A random 2D path with 10k steps.

    First, the C program to walk a 2D path was run.  One such path is displayed in FIG1.  The program was run for paths with 10k steps, with the number of paths set to 10 and 100.  The average distance, D, as a function of the number of steps taken, N, is plotted in FIG2.  The distance, D, was fitted as a function of N to a function of the form: D=N^(p), where p is an exponent whose value is theoretically 0.5.  As seen in FIG2, the value of p when 100 paths were taken is 0.495 and the value of p when 10 paths were taken is 0.492.  A scatter plot of the final position (in x-y space) is shown in FIG3 for a path consisting of 10k steps.

2D path with 10k steps
FIG2: Plot of the average distance versus the number of steps taken for a 10k step path.  The distance is averaged over 10 paths (blue) and 100 paths (red).  The average distance is also fitted as a function of the number of steps; for the 100 step path: D=N^(.495), and for the 10 step path: D=N^(.492).
FIG3:  Scatter plot of the final x-y coordinates of several 10k step paths.

    The program was also run for a case where 4 paths were taken, each with 1000 steps.  D versus N for this case is plotted in FIG4.  In this case p was found to be 0.518. 

FIG4:  Plot of D versus N for a paths with 1000 steps, where the number of paths averaged over was 4.  D was fit as a function of N with equation: D=N^(.518).

B. 3D Path

3d path
FIG5:  Several 3D paths each consisting of 10k steps.

    The program for 3D paths was run for paths with 10k steps.  Four specific paths are plotted in FIG5.  D versus N when averaged over 100 paths is plotted in FIG6.  From the fit to the graph, p=0.529. 

FIG6:  D versus N for a 3D path of 10k steps.  D is fitted as a function of N: D=N^(.529).

3.  Conclusions

    When walking a path, the average distance, D, is a function of the number of steps taken, N.  The relationship is given by D=N^(p), where p is theoretically 0.5.  In the 2D case, as the number of paths which are averaged to find D is increased, p (as determined by a fitting of the data) seems to approach the theoretical value.  For only 10 paths p=0.492 as opposed to 100 paths, p=0.495, which is closer to 0.5.  This makes sense because the randomness becomes averaged out as more paths are taken into account.  This can also be seen graphically in FIG2.  The case with 10 paths (blue) is more noisy when compare to the case with 100 paths (red).  The case with only 4 paths each of 1000 steps (FIG4) has p=0.518.  This is even further from the theoretical value than the cases with 10k steps per path.  This may be due to lower statistics (less steps and less paths).  Also, when the final coordinates (in x-y space) are plotted for the final position of several 10k step paths, a somewhat circular distribution is expected.  The final positions should be centered about the origin.  This is roughly observed in FIG3.

    The 3D random walk shows p=0.529 (FIG6). 

4.  References

[1] R. H. Landau & M. J. Paez, Computational Physics, Problem Solving with Computers,  (Wiley: New York) 1997.

[2] P. W. Gorham, http://www.phys.hawaii.edu/~gorham/P305/RandomWalks.html.
